How Do I Choose A Surgeon For My Eyelid Surgery?

Choosing a surgeon for your eyelid surgery can be challenging in today’s world of social media and self-promoting Instagrams and, most recently, TikTok videos.   At our practice, we still believe that there is no substitute for appropriate training and expertise.  If we had a knee problem, we would want to see the knee specialist that operates on knees everyday.  Our practice is unique in that Dr. Iyengar is a nationally-recognized eyelid specialist, as an oculoplastic surgeon who is a member of the American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. He is one of the most experienced eyelid surgeons in San Diego, has operated all over the world, operated on numerous physician colleagues, and the only one who operates on eyelids everyday.  However, we understand that not all patients are a good fit for our practice.  If we feel we cannot give you the best results possible with eyelid surgery or feel there is a better procedure suited for you, we maintain excellent relationships with surrounding physicians at the top of their specialties.  We hold safety as paramount, and often turn down patients who are not good candidates for eyelid surgery either due to dry eye or eyelid position abnormalities.

Slow-motion video of a patient here in San Diego that had eyelid surgery by a plastic surgeon who was not an eyelid specialist.  Unfortunately, she cannot close her left eye completely because the plastic surgeon took too much skin and removed the muscle responsible for eyelid closure, the orbicularis oculi.  Oculoplastic surgeons are trained to preserve this muscle.

Having fixed numerous complications from plastic surgeons in the area, San Diego Eyelid Specialists is where many plastic surgeons now direct their patients who expect the highest level of training in eyelid surgery. We are grateful for facial plastic surgery practices in the San Diego area like Kolstad Facial Plastic Surgery that recognize the value of an eyelid specialist when their patients are considering eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty.


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Our Locations


477 N. El Camino Real
Suite A304
Encinitas, CA 92024


8950 Villa La Jolla Drive
Suite B206
La Jolla, CA 92037

Office Hours

Monday-Friday: 9am - 5pm
Closed Weekends

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