Eyelid Reconstruction Surgery in Encinitas

*Disclaimer: This page contains graphic imagery of Eyelid Reconstruction cases.*

Put simply, there is no other surgeon in San Diego that reconstructs eyelids as regularly as Dr. Iyengar–whether after Mohs surgery  or after eyelid trauma.  As the examples below will show, Dr. Srinivas Iyengar has been appropriately recognized by his physician (M.D.) peers for his expertise in eyelid reconstruction.  As the only practice in San Diego that puts eyelids back together every week, Dr. Iyengar is well-versed in the most current eyelid repair techniques that result in aesthetically pleasing results with minimal downtime. Those in the public eye who require reconstruction of their eyelid seek out Dr. Iyengar for this. His warm bedside manner complements more than a decade of experience reconstructing the most advanced skin cancers around the eyelid and upper face.

Dr. Iyengar has operated on Hollywood actors, professional athletes, plastic surgeons, dermatologists, and public officials. Our San Diego practice works with board-certified dermatologists in Southern California to provide a expert reconstruction of the eyelid after Mohs surgery.  Mohs surgery is a process by which dermatologists remove skin cancer.  Once the skin cancer around the eyelid is removed, reconstruction is performed by Dr. Iyengar.  Our office coordinates this procedure with your dermatologist’s office.  Optimal reconstruction by a specialist in this area protects the eye and provides an aesthetically pleasing result.  If you live in San Diego and have a skin cancer on the upper face and your dermatologist wants to refer you to a surgeon to close the defect, ask for an oculoplastic surgeon (www.asoprs.org) and one that handles the most complex eyelid reconstruction cases in the area.

Case 1 (Eyelid Trauma): This is a very beautiful surfer who was injured by her surfboard while surfing around Sunset Cliffs in La Jolla. She underwent eyelid surgery by Dr. Iyengar in the office under local anesthesia and was pleased with the result.

Case 2 (Mohs Surgery Eyelid):  This is nice woman in her early 50s that had a skin cancer removed from the left lower eyelid by a dermatologist in San Diego by use of the Mohs procedure.  Her dermatologist knew she was in the public eye and wanted the optimal aesthetic and functional result.  We coordinated with her dermatologist to perform the eyelid reconstruction after she was cleared of her eyelid skin cancer. She was very pleased with the result as many people, including physicians, were not able to tell an entire section of her eyelid had been removed and reconstructed.

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Eyelid Reconstruction by Dr. Iyengar after Mohs Surgery

Case 3:  This nice gentleman of Irish descent and multiple skin cancers had Mohs surgery by his dermatologist in San Diego to remove skin cancer above his eyebrow. Dr. Iyengar was able to reconstruct this entire area to make it look like he never even had the skin cancer.  Results like this are why so many dermatologists in San Diego work with our practice for reconstructive surgery after their patients undergo Mohs surgery.  Video is graphic in nature but shows an amazing reconstruction.

Amazing Forehead Reconstruction by Dr. Iyengar

Case 4 - This young man was involved in a car accident. He was seen at Palomar Hospital and referred to Dr. Iyengar for his expertise in eyelid reconstruction.

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Case 5 (Mohs Surgery):  This nice patient lost most of their lower eyelid and a portion of their tear duct after undergoing Mohs surgery to clear them of a skin cancer.  Dr. Iyengar was then asked to perform the eyelid reconstruction and save their tear duct.  Our practice works with dermatologists in the San Diego area to reduce the risk of recurrence of these skin cancers and provide the best aesthetic and functional result.

Case 6 (Mohs Surgery):  This kind gentleman lost nearly his entire lower eyelid and part of his upper eyelid to a skin cancer. He underwent Mohs surgery by a San Diego dermatologist and was referred to Dr. Iyengar for eyelid reconstruction.  Dr. Iyengar was able to reconstruct his entire lower eyelid, the canthus (corner), and parts of the upper eyelid.  The patient was pleased with the final aesthetic result and their blink was complete.  It is particularly important to see an oculoplastic surgeon for reconstruction in these areas.  Our practice works with the best dermatologists in the San Diego area that have training in Mohs surgery around the eyelid so we provide the patient with the lowest chance of recurrence and the best aesthetic outcome.

Case 7: This well-known musician, in the public eye, developed a large melanoma involving the eyelid and area around the eye. This large skin cancer could have been very disfiguring. His San Diego dermatologist asked Dr. Iyengar to reconstruct his eyelid and face. He was pleased with the final result and back to playing music.

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Eyelid Reconstruction by Dr. Iyengar

Case 8: This gentleman lost most of his lower eyelid from skin cancer. He had Mohs surgery by a San Diego dermatologist who was able to clear him of his tumor. Dr. Iyengar was able to reconstruct his lower eyelid so it is nearly imperceptible that he lost so much tissue.

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Our Locations


477 N. El Camino Real
Suite A304
Encinitas, CA 92024


8950 Villa La Jolla Drive
Suite B206
La Jolla, CA 92037

Office Hours

Monday-Friday: 9am - 5pm
Closed Weekends

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