How Long Does It Take For A Patient To Recover From A Blepharoplasty?

This procedure is a performed as an outpatient procedure. Ice packs should be applied immediately to the upper and/or lower eyelids following a blepharoplasty to decrease the amount of bruising and swelling post-operatively. It is also recommended that the patient stops all blood thinners seven to fourteen days before surgery, including non-steroidals and aspirin-containing products.

Most of the healing from the upper and lower eyelid blepharoplasty occurs in the first seven to ten days following surgery. It is very important that the patients apply ice packs to both the upper and lower eyelids for the first forty-eight hours. It is also recommended that patients avoid any bending, lifting, or straining during the two weeks following surgery to decrease the amount of bruising and swelling.

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