Xeomin injections in Encinitas


Our cosmetic Xeomin practice comprises a team of healthcare professionals, including some of our closest friends and family. Dr. Iyengar and Tiffany Ross, PA, are seasoned injectors with a deep understanding of facial anatomy and Xeomin injection techniques. Drawing on over a decade of experience as a cosmetic injector, Dr. Iyengar caters to a diverse clientele, including individuals in the public eye. Xeomin effectively reduces forehead wrinkles, lines between the eyes, and crow's feet. Dr. Iyengar regularly administers Xeomin injections to a diverse range of clients., ensuring the preservation of a natural and refreshed appearance.


Understanding the subtle aspects of Xeomin injections in the upper face are critical to avoiding the dropping of the eyebrows or eyelids. Dr. Iyengar is regularly consulted by injectors around the city when they have complications like a drooping eyelid. This is generally avoided by not placing Xeomin below the eyebrow.

What Are The Benefits Of Xeomin?

Here are some of the benefits of Xeomin in Encinitas and La Jolla:

  • No downtime
  • Quick procedure
  • Non-surgical solution to fine lines and wrinkles, especially around the mouth and in the forehead and neck
  • Lifts the brow so you look less tired
  • Give you a more youthful appearance
  • Decreases the amount of sweat you produce, especially under the arms
  • Can reduce migraine headaches by inducing muscle relaxation
  • Can lessen chronic eyelid spasms that make the eye appear lazy

What Are The Risks?

Xeomin injections are a safe and well-tolerated procedure.

Am I A Candidate For A Xeomin?

The best candidates for Xeomin in San Diego are people who are physically healthy, with no history of neuromuscular diseases (such as multiple sclerosis or myasthenia gravis), who are not pregnant or nursing and who are at least 18 years old. You may want to consider Xeomin injections if you have unwanted facial wrinkles, moderate to severe facial wrinkles, or wrinkles located in areas that Xeomin can treat such as around/between the eyes and on the forehead.

What Is The Recovery Like?

Most patients report little to no discomfort, and often patients do not even request numbing cream prior to injection. Dr. Iyengar regularly teaches other doctors how to perform Xeomin injections and regularly sees his physician colleagues for this. There is generally no swelling or bruising associated with this treatment. Patients can resume their normal activities after treatment. The effects of Xeomin are not immediate and the maximum results can be seen usually between 5-14 days after treatment. These results can last three to six months depending on each person’s individual metabolism.

Book a Xeomin Consultation in Encinitas or La Jolla Today!

If you are curious to learn if Xeomin is a suitable option for your needs, we are here to help. Click here to submit a contact form to meet with Dr. Iyengar or TIffany Ross, PA, or call our office 858-432-2700.

Get in Touch

* All indicated fields must be completed.
Please include non-medical questions and correspondence only.

Our Locations


477 N. El Camino Real
Suite A304
Encinitas, CA 92024


8950 Villa La Jolla Drive
Suite B206
La Jolla, CA 92037

Office Hours

Monday-Friday: 9am - 5pm
Closed Weekends

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